The songs of Mr. Tom Petty get a tribute of covers. Play Loudly.
1. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Bye Bye Johnny
2. Jeff Lynne - Learning To Fly
3. Elle King - American Girl
4. Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs - Here Comes My Girl
5. Dillingers - Even The Losers
6. Pat Green - Even The Losers
7. John Mayer - Free Fallin'
8. Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down
9. Everclear - I Won't Back Down
10. Suzi Quatro - Breakdown
11. Freedom Fry - Mary Jane's Last Dance
12. Refuzniks - Mary Jane's Last Dance
13. Johnny Cash - Southern Accents
14. Paul Cannizzaro - Don't Do Me Like That
15. Breakdown - Into The Great Wide Open/
Running Down A Dream
16. Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
17. Taking Back Sunday - You Wreck Me
18. Puddle Of Mudd - Stop Draggin' My Heart Around
Dear Big AL,
I pretty much anticipated your remark that with Tom Petty you have too many movies at the same time. Happened to me too. Ain't that amazing? The guy went under the radar for such a long time. Everybody humming to his songs, but not mentioning him for the genius he was.
On the other hand, so many people obviously are inspired by Tom Petty (and the slick production of one Jeff Lynne) that I think he lives on. Not as a being, of course. But as T.P. the trademark, the great inspirer. One of the great masters of simplicity. He stands tall among the masters of melody (Beatles) , the masters of fashion (Depeche Mode), the master of words (Bob Dylan) and the masters of Rhythm (Mr. James Brown). He, everybody has his list. Oasis, Kraftwerk, Joe Walsh, Daft Punk might also work.
Anyway another great set! It shows how many people found - well whatever it was - in the songs of Tom Petty. The soundtrack to cruising with friends singing out loud in the backseat, make up sex with the girl you were fighting with an hour ago, lingering thoughts at yet another funeral... For me? Hey, when I have a really bad day, you know one of these days. Before I go berserk I just sing one of his songs. Mostly I Won't Back Down or Learning To Fly or Into The Great Wide open or Running Down.... And there it is again, the main problem with Mr. T.P. Cutting him down to one or three hit records just doesn't work.
Anyway again, I'm really glad he got his special on Rockcast, because in my book that is something special and he deserves it. Period.
P.S. Hearing my eternal flame Suzie Q singing Breakdown was - of course - the extra special super bonus in the set for me. But the best song in the set for me was the Refuzniks. MJ's Last Dance as a Turbo rockabily. Cool.
where did the annoying "Are U a robot" exam go? Just click on "I'm not a robot?" Seriously?
tried again, not everything's back to normal, annoying again, perfect
Thanks Dino, Always nice to hear from you. More on Tom Petty to come!
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