Friday, April 03, 2020

Rockcast Friday.04.03.20a; Fixx, Green Day, Ace, Every Mans Son, Bryan Adams, Detroit Cobras, Ting Tings, John Fred and His Playboy Band, Grace Potter, Tijuana Panthers, Henry Gross, Deep Purple, Santana, Rolling Stones, Iron City House Rockers, Outasight

1. Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another
2. Green Day - Dreaming
3. Ace - I'm A Man
4. Every Mothers Son - Come On Down To My Boat Baby
5. Bryan Adams - Do To You
6. Detroit Cobras - Cha Cha Twist
7. Ting Tings - Great DJ
8. John Fred and His playboy Band - Judy In Disguise [Big AL Mix 05]
9. Grace Potter. Marcus King, Jackson Browne and Lucius - Each Other
10. Tijuana Panthers - Pull The Chute
11. Henry Gross - Night Of The Living Dude
12. Deep Purple - Hush [Live Party Mix]
13. Santana - Changes
14. Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil [Bigs Live Party Mix]
15. Iron City House Rockers - Have A Good Time But Get Out Alive
16. Ootasight - Let's Go

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