Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rockcast Wednesday.01.13.16a; The Fawns, Black Keys, Alice Cooper, Wavves, Wolf Alice, The Cyrkle, Pete Yorn, Lake, Wet Willie, Climax Blues Band, Blind Fret, Klaatu, beatles, Ambrosia, 10cc

 So the President gave his final state of the union address
and it was a good one. Whether you are a fan of the man
or not he laid it on the line and called ever so subtly on
the carpet the idiots running rampant for a nomination
of the opposing party. Only a short matter of time before
the two front running mouth breathers go after each other
in the next debate. If that's what you want to call it. It
is completely unwatchable. Staged by news nazis fox,
who is known for mediators who turn candidates on each
other and then sit amused at their suppressive behavior.
 Wake up republicans. looks more and more like the Jeb
may pull it out after "chump and lose" get done fighting
over who was born where and if they are actually Americans.
Actually, chump and lose just sound like the names of
the actually chuckleheads. These clowns have made a
mockery out of the party they supposedly rep. God
help us if this is the way Americans think.

1. The Fawns - Goodnight Spacegirl
2. Black Keys - 10 Lovers
3. Alice Cooper - Long Way To Go
4. Wavves - Redlead
5. Wolf Alice - Baby Ain't Made Of China
6. The Cyrkle - Red Rubber Ball
7. Pete Yorn - Lost Weekend
8. Lake - On The Run
9. Wet Willie - Ramona
10. Climax Blues Band - Mistress Moonshine
11. Blind Fret and Paul Rigney - One Love
12. Klaatu - True Life Hero
13. Beatles - Dr. Robert
14. Ambrosia - Danse With Me George
15. 10 CC - Feel The Benefit [Parts 1, 2 and 3]

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